Thursday, January 22, 2009


I’d Really Like to Eat A Child by Syliane Donnio, 2004. A young crocodile decides one morning that he is tired of his diet of bananas. But the first child he encounters finds him absolutely adorable.

I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato by Lauren Child, 2000. A boy tries to convince his sister to sample her carrots by telling that they are really orange twiglets from Jupiter.

Jake Goes Peanuts by Michael Wright, 2010.  Everything new makes Jake's list of foods he doesn't like. Everything except peanut butter.

Little Pea by Amy Rosenthal, 2005. Little Pea hates eating candy for dinner, but his parents won't let him have his spinach dessert until he cleans his plate.

The Luck of the Loch Ness Monster by Alice Flaherty, 2007. When a little girl who is forced to eat oatmeal three times a day decided to dump it off of a ship, the results are enormous!

Muncha Muncha Muncha by Denise Fleming, 2002. Mr. McGreely tries to find a way to keep rabbits out of his vegetables.

Pickin’ Peas by Margaret Read MacDonald, 1998. A little girl captures a rascally rabbit who has been picking the peas from her garden.

Stop That Pickle! by Peter Armour, 1993. The pickle-version of the Gingerbread Boy.

Tops & Bottoms by Janet Stevens, 1995. A clever rabbit strikes a deal with a rich but very lazy bear.

Trouble At the Dinosaur Cafe by Brian Moses, 2006. Vegetarian dinosaurs can no longer enjoy their meals when a ravenous Tyrannosaurus stomps in looking for meaty dinosaur stew.

Trouble With Cauliflower by Jane Sutton. Mortimer, the careful koala, will not eat cauliflower because he always has bad luck on the following day.

Ugly Vegetables by Grace Lin, 1998. A little girl thinks her mother's garden is the ugliest in the neighborhood until she discovers that flowers might look and smell pretty but Chinese vegetable soup smells best.

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